~~~~~~Randy Pausch~~~~~~

The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.

Consistent practice equals consistent progress.


Dead Last Finish is greater than Did Not Finish which greatly trumps Did Not Start.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Ab Boot Camp

This ab workout from Muscle Media looks down right brutal!

Lower Ab Crunch 15 reps—no rest
Leg Raise/Hip Up 15 reps—no rest
Side Crunch 15 reps (each side)—no rest
Knee Up 15 reps—no rest
Lying Crunch 15 reps—no rest
Back Hyperextension 15 reps—no rest

ACTIVE REST (two to three minutes)
Basic Ab Stretch
Side Bends
Stomach Vacuums

Repeat cycle three times with no additional rest between cycles

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