~~~~~~Randy Pausch~~~~~~

The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.

Consistent practice equals consistent progress.


Dead Last Finish is greater than Did Not Finish which greatly trumps Did Not Start.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Women's Challenge Final Stats

July 29 - Starting measurements
Bust - 44.25
Chest - 36.25
Waist - 41.5
Hips - 48.5
Thighs - 26.5
Calves - 14.75
Upperarm - 16
Forearm - 12
Wrist - 6.5
Neck - 14
Weight - 218
BF% - 38.5%(??)

Nov 24 (measurement) (Lost this month) (Lost during challenge)
Bust - 42.5 (no change) (-1.75)
Chest - 34.25 (-.75) (-2)
Waist - 36 (-2.5!!!) (-5.5)
Hips - 44.5 (-.5) (-4)
Thighs - 22.25 (-2 each side!!) (-4.25 each side)
Calves - 13.75 (-.25 each side) (-1 each side)
Upperarm - 14.5/14.5 (-.25/-.5) (-1.5 each side)
Forearm - 11.5 (no change) (-.5 each side)
Wrist - 6.5
Neck - 14
Weight - 189.4 (-2.4) (-29)
BF% - 32.3 (-2.2%!!!!)n (-6.2%)
Total inches lost this month - 9!!!!
Total inches lost during challenge - 27.75

Open Challenge Goals
Goal 1: Weight Loss of 43lbs (218 to 175) - I have broken my sticking point of 195 and am currently at 189. I won't achieve 175 by the end of the year but I have still made great progress!!

Goal 2: Losing 2 dress sizes (18 to 14) - Done! I am going to try to get into a 12 now.

Goal 3: Compliance - 50% this month. I don't have time for this stuff. Honestly, I probably did more than I think but it wasn't 'formal'.

Goal 4: Perform 10 pushups. (0 to 10) - Still at 6 but since I hurt my shoulder I don't hink I will get much further than that but I still have another month to try.

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